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Mar 15, 2025, 11:43 AM

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Приветствую Вас дамы и господа!
Наша пчелиная ферма занимается больше 15 лет производством и продажей продуктов пчелы в большом ассортименте в Украине. На нашей пасеке работают 2 семьи пчеловодов круглогодично чтобы создать качественные и полезные продукты для Вас, дорогие клиенты.

Так же мы ведем свой


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Здравствуйте дамы и господа!
Наша семейная пасека занимается свыше 15 лет производством и продажей пчелопродуктов в широком ассортименте в Украине. На нашей пасеке работают 2 семьи пчеловодов круглый год чтобы получить качественные и продукты пчелы для Вас, дорогие клиенты.

Так же мы ведем свой портал,


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Good afternoon, 3C friends and clan!

I would like some feedback, please on moving forwarding to 2025.

I know people are busy. I know that we all have lives and the charity work seems to take a back seat to many things. I guess I'm trying to get a feel for how many of us still want to continue with events, conventions and charity work.Read More

My husband and I were gifted hundreds of hot wheels and as much as we have there is no way we are keeping all of them. We would like to start a group where we're put together gifts for 25 to 50 children who won't get gifts this year. Is there anyone in this group that would be willing to help...

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You see folks ...
There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people, to see if they could become something more, to see if they could work together when we as individuals needed them to, to fight the battles, that we as individuals never could. To stand as a team and change the darkness in our communities one, just one, glimmering moment at a time...Read More

Pages: [1] 2